Blog feedback and learner response

WWW: This is a mixed picture – your reception theory analysis for the RBK advert is excellent and shows great potential for Media. The text you chose as a second advert analysis for reception theory is also very interesting (different to ‘reading an image’ but it works here). You show you understand reception theory which is great… but unfortunately other work is missing.

EBI: Firstly, you are missing a key piece of work: the icon/index/symbol work ( ). It’s so vital that you keep up with the workload and complete work on time – if you are completing the expected five hours’ of media homework a week you will easily keep on top of the work for both sides of the course but I don’t think that’s the case currently (at least not consistently).

Secondly, not all your work is at the same level as your RBK reception theory analysis. Even the second advert for reception theory could have offered some really interesting interpretations for oppositional readings – sexist, misogynist, encouraging mistreatment of women, appealing to a type of man that is increasingly being criticised in society etc.  You need to be dedicating the time and effort to writing in the depth and detail required for top A Level grades. A significant step up required!
LR: Update your blog to make sure all missing work is completed. Then, reflect on your work in A Level Media so far. What is your strongest piece of work? What is your weakest? How can you add depth and detail to your work? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?

Completed Semiotics work;

LR; I believe my reception theory blog post to the my strongest piece of work because I spent a lot of time researching Stuart Halls reception theory so that I was able to include as must detail as I can in my blog task. My weakest piece of work is semiotics: icon, index, symbol because I wasn't present for the lesson, and although I read the catch up work on the blog, my absence caused a lack of understanding which prohibited me from giving my best potential into the work. I could add detail and depth into my work by revising each of the topics over and over to get the best understanding of them, and going back into all of my blog tasks and adding to them. As I haven't done media before, all of the skills and knowledge that I have learnt so far need to be developed in terms of completely understanding each aspect of the course. 


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