Magazines: Men's Health - Audience

1) How does the magazine introduce itself?

They say that they are the best selling men's lifestyle magazine in the world. They promote visually engaging health, well being and nutrition with content covering fashion, grooming, watches, tech and travel.

2) What does the introduction suggest about the representation of masculinity in Men's Health's?

Their representation contains modern features of men creating visually appealing look whereas intraditional masculinity views, this grooming side was negated. But it also does contain the traditional aspect of men's lifestyle magazines which have always been around in some form givingsurveillance(Blmber and Katz) to those on self-improvement.

3) How do the print statistics for Men's Health compare to GQ and Esquire?

Men's Health has the highest copy sales, with the highest readership and the highest number of ABC1 andAB readers.

4) What is the difference between circulation and readership?
Circulation are how many copies are distributed and sold, but readership is how many people read the magazine or copies in circulation.

5) What is the circulation of Men's Health in thousands? What about the readership for ABC1 men? AB men?

Men's Health circulation in the ABC group is higher at 180, compares to GQ (117) and EQ (65). Their male readership is at (995), whereas GQ is at 336 and EQ at 109. The readership of ABC1 men stands at 643, GQ at 237 and EQ at 85. The readership of AB men is 321, GQ at 146 and EQ at 64.

6) How do readers generally interact with the digital version of the magazine?

Most readers interact with the magazine on their phoen at 68%, then on desktop at 21% and 115 on tablet.

7) How many people do Men's Health reach across social media platforms?

They reach 944k on Facebook, 285k on Twitter and 66k on Instagram.

8) What is the audience profile for Men's Health readers? 

905k are of ABC1 group, aged 25-44.
700k have a degree
200k earn over £50k

9) What is the Men's Health fashion philosophy? How much do Men's Health readers collectively spend on fashion?

Their philosophy is to be stylish, contemporary, wearable and individual.
Men's Health readers spend £1.1bn on fashion a year - 3 times more than GQ.

10) What is the average watch collection value for the Men's Health audience? What do the statistics about watches suggest about the Men's Health audience demographics and psychographics? 

The average is £4,123. The statistics show that this readership actually are of a ABC1 social class as they can afford to have such a collection just on watched. It also shows that they are succeeders and aspirersas they are succeeding in their profession but also they have this magazine for surveillance to give them information on how to self-improve.

11) What percentage of Men's Health readers use moisturiser daily? What does this suggest about Men's Health readers' view of masculinity?

73% moisturise daily. This show that the traditional conscious masculinity of men has changed. They can feel confident in buying products which used to be more of a female stereotype, it shows that men can havemultiple masculinities.

12) What does the media pack suggest regarding the Men's Health audience for fitness and technology?

Most of the audience are millennial's and have grown up with technology as it was evolving. Also, they are willing to spend more money on sportswear, and go for big brands that they can trust.

13) Men's Health luxe is a series of magazines distributed with Men's Health targeting a specific aspect of the Men's Health audience. What are these three brand extension magazines called and what do they cover?

Urban Active: sports fashion in partnership with Harrods, showing high end performance fashion.

Synchronised: annual watch magazines with specialists(horologists). This is for amateurs and aficionados. 

Epicure: best food, drink, restaurants and kitchen skills.

14) What do the Men's Health luxe magazines suggest about the demographics and psychographics of the Men's Health audience?
The audience have the money to spend on luxuries and take in information provided by specialists to gain as much information they think is useful. To afford these kinds of products, once again they would have to be of ABC1 social class and are most likely succeeders and aspirers.

15) What additional brand extensions do Men's Health offer?

Premium products focused on health and wellbeing.

16) What are the global statistics for Men's Health?

Published in 60 counties with 37 international editions, with a global circulation of 4.5mn with a readership of 26.7mn. They have 25 websites with uniques of 23.7mn and a social media footprint of 19.3mn.

17) What does the 2017 calendar editorial specials suggest about the Men's Health audience?

The audience look towards specialists in the areas the magazine covers, meaning they are willing to spend more to make sure that they cover what the magazine suggests and the editorial special they are selling, they do this by selling their Lux magazines which are for men that go the extra mile to make self-improvements.

18) What audience pleasures are offered by the magazine?
Surveillance: the audience are given information on how to be better physically and mentally. It is for self improvement.

Personal identity: Enjoy having their lifestyle reflected and endorsed in the magazine, a sense of validation. 

19) What lifestyle and job would you expect the average Men's Health reader to have?

Probably those in an active role, they have a desk job but are on their feet all day. They are active people of course if they are indulging in a health magazine full of supplements and gym exercises to gain muscle.

20) Why do you think Men's Health has managed to remain profitable when many other magazines have struggled due to the rise of digital media?

The personal identity aspect is one that related to the readers. If they feel that the are being reflected and how to make themselves better, then they would keep reading. Also, the change from fitness to lifestyle offers more possibilities of brand partnerships and intriguing more viewers to read the magazine if they feel that the magazine has more thing to offer in terms of self-improvement which is something everyone can relate to at some point.


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